Friday 16 September 2016

The Amazing Athers Pass Trip

The Amazing Athers Pass Trip
DAY 1: I woke up at 6:00 got ready for school in uniform for school and then I remembered its camp and I got ready for camp packed everything in the car (It was cramped) and then we drove to school. On the bus I sat next to mark,lochie,jack h,sonny and Matthew and on the way to the lodge it was snowing it was so cool and all I could hear was wow.

When we got to the lodge we had lunch and it was good then we meet logan and he was awesome as awesome as my uncle marc logan wears a red jacket and waterproof pants he showed us around and it was awesome there was the bunk beds and the drying room.

Then we went Orienteering it was fun we did this hook type of thing orienteering is when you Find these post out of the ground and have words on them it was fun we saw this bike in cased in wood and we won the race but we lost the quiz.

Then we got ready for the devils we had to put on 3 layers of clothes not cotton there were a lot of stairs  and it was exhausting logan told us to crush up this plant and smell it and it smelled like dung (OMG YUCK) Then we walk up and logan gave us another plant and it smelt like mint and then there was a plant that was really stiff so when we got to the top of devil's punch bowl there was a huge waterfall it was amazing and then we got down to the bottom and it was a fun day

1 comment:

  1. Hi Declyn that sounds like loads of fun, it's good that you wrote a couple of paragraphs but next time make sure that you proof read all of them.


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