Wednesday 8 March 2017

Dogey Dolpins By Declyn Matthew And Liam

I woke up and noticed I was in the ocean and dogey dolphins were swimming around with lasers pointing at pugey fish. Then the dogey dolphins shot one of the pugey fish and ate it "MMM" said dogey dolphin number one.

The Dogey dolphins wanted one more fish each so I gave the 2 haha I'm a rebel rebel sports we love our sports. But they wanted more so I gave them one more and the said sterling sports we want more fish sterling sports. We want more fish and they wanted more but I didn't have anymore so they said we will eat you so they did and the sang we are full.


  1. Hi its Liam
    I like the way you made it so funny
    it reminds me of my writing
    next time could you make it bigger


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