Thursday 23 June 2016

My Uncle Ben

My uncle ben has black hair. He wears tight pants that are usually black and a t-shirt he has a belt with a golden middle clip. He has smooth skin. His eyes are as hazel as caramel. He has a warming smile. He always has glasses that are gold. He has no freckles on his face.

My Uncle Ben likes being loud but he doesn't like other people being loud watching crusaders. My Uncle Ben hates people laughing but he loves laughing. One time me Liam and Paiton were laughing so hard he said “stop”! My Uncle Ben loves touching stuff but he doesn't like us touching stuff because when he put up his train set he said “don't even think about it”.

He’s usually at a train station working hard in his office conducting train rails and trains he's really helpful. He has a speaker in his office and that's how he talks to the train drivers in the train to tell them where they’re going. He is fun, nice, and does a lot of nice stuff with us. He helps everyone, he is funny, tickles people, he's a big trickster and always scares us.
My Uncle loves a lot of things but the things he loves the most is his kid Alex who is either in bed or in his arms. He has this old train set that he leaves on the shelf for people to admire, he also has photos of him in Paris and Scotland they are awesome. The thing he loves the most out all the things is his family, his house and his wife.

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