Thursday 4 August 2016

Declyn spotlight

Im outside lights are flashing like a high security prison on lockdown I'm sprinting away because I don't want to get caught from the guards AKA Liam and my uncle Aron. I get down on the ground so I don't get caught by Liam. I'm hiding With my trusted buddy in crime Dr Doomsday AKA my uncle Marc and if he get caught I'm dead OH yeah I'm MAD stands for Marc And Declyn AKA Declyn.

I get down in my hiding spot on the top of the truck it was wet on the roof I lie there still and silent like a slug. I think wait Liam and uncle will find me easy I jump down on the ground and set up the fence on the tank so it's leaning on the tank and I climb up the fence it's so slippery and when I get up and lie there dead as if I got shot by a gun. The lights shining at the place i'm hiding and they see me.


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